Vote Center Information

Vote Center Plan

Jackson County is now a vote center county!  There will not be a polling site open for each precinct on election day, as the county will now have seven vote centers available.  You no longer have to go to a certain location to vote and may choose any of the seven polling sites .  Please find information, polling locations, and addresses for both early vote and election day below.  This information may also be found at



Jackson County Clerk

Piper J. Shoemaker (812) 358-6118 109 S Sugar St SUITE 130 Brownstown, IN 47220 email
The Clerk's Office is closed daily from 12-12:30pm for lunch.

1st Deputy Circuit Court

(812) 358-6118

1st Deputy Superior Court I

(812) 522-9676

1st Deputy Superior Court II
(812) 358-6807

Child Support Clerk
(812) 358-6119

Traffic Ticket Clerk
(812) 522-9676

(812) 358-6116

Voter Registration
(812) 358-6120